More Than Just Belief

Sometimes all it takes is one experience to change the course of a person’s life. Lamia had no idea that would be her story when she first enrolled in the local Children’s Bible Club.
Lamia was from a poor family who didn’t understand the importance of a good education. Because there weren’t many rules in her home, Lamia got away with a lot. She was unkind with her friends and disobedient with her parents. It seemed that no one could control Lamia or urge her to behave better.
Meanwhile, her parents struggled to make ends meet. As complaints started pouring in about Lamia’s mean treatment of others, her parents were at a loss. They didn’t know what to do.
Around this time is when another child in the village told Lamia about the Bible Club. This peaked Lamia’s interest, so her parents allowed her to attend. The change was almost immediate. Lamia began to learn basic habits that changed how she structured her day. Little changes eventually grew into big impact. Even during the Bible Club, her demeanor was different. She joyfully participated in every activity without disrespect or resistance. Lamia heard stories about Jesus each day during the devotional time, and she told her parents what she learned!
The Bible Club leader visited Lamia’s home and shared the Gospel with the entire family. Because they had seen how Lamia was changing, they knew Jesus must be powerful. They received salvation through Christ, giving their whole lives to Him! Because of this, they changed their ways and patterns of behavior. This led to Lamia’s father finding a better job that provides for their family!
Lamia’s family has been criticized for their decision but they respond by saying, “We just don’t believe in Jesus, but from now on we will follow Him.”