Pray for India
Join in Prayer
We believe prayer is the first work of missions. Prayer brings the love of Christ to places and people the Gospel has yet to reach, preparing hearts to hear the Good News! Check out the ways you can join us in prayer for this beautiful nation that’s longing for Jesus’ hope.

Our Heart for Prayer
Throughout our history, God has worked through the prayers of people like you to bring the Gospel into places and situations in India that seemed impossible! He has even more in store, and that’s why we invite you to become one of our U.S. prayer partners. Get involved by signing up for the India Intercessor daily prayer email, reading the Why Pray? devotional, or launching a prayer group of your own.

Daily Prayer Prompts
Every day, we share a brief prayer prompt about a specific need in India. Choose to receive these prayer requests in a monthly e-mail or through a daily email. We’d love to have you become an India Intercessor with us!

Devotional on Prayer
John DeVries, our late founder, was a firm believer that prayer can do anything. In his 40-day devotional, Why Pray?, you’ll be inspired and empowered to trust Jesus with your own prayers as you read about John’s personal experiences with hearing from God.

Lead a Prayer Group
Groups of Mission India supporters around the U.S. are finding that there’s power in praying for India together. We invite you to start one of these prayer groups of your own! Simply gather a few friends to pray for India once per month for six months. We’ll provide prayer prompts, so all that’s left for you to do is facilitate your prayer gatherings, either in person or virtually.