Gabir’s Doubt Opened the Door to Belief

Gabir was born into a religious family that gave him the best life they could. He didn’t want for anything—food, education, and career opportunities were at his disposal. Despite all of his advantages, Gabir’s health was a constant struggle.
For many years, Gabir’s legs were weak and caused him a great deal of pain. He was unable to walk properly, which hindered his job and quality of life. Desperate to find a solution, Gabir tried everything: specialized medical treatments, prayer to his deities, temple visits, sacrificial offerings, and rituals. When nothing worked, Gabir began to doubt the power of his gods.
Gabir’s health issues began to affect every area of his life, and his doubt grew stronger by the day.
About that time, Church Planter Kovida hosted a movie night in Gabir’s neighborhood where they screened Jesus Film. Gabir attended but watched from the back of the crowd. When he saw the miracles Jesus performed, the compassion He poured out to the sick, and the kindness He showed to all, Gabir was deeply moved. He went home with the same health issues he’d always had, but now, he had hope. He couldn’t stop thinking about Jesus.
The next day, Kovida was walking through the neighborhood sharing the Gospel with those he met. He stopped at Gabir’s house and, after a brief introduction, Gabir shared all the doubts he had been feeling about the deities he worshipped. In response to his curiosity, Kovida answered all Gabir’s questions about Jesus and gave him Christian literature he could read to learn more about Jesus. Before Kovida left, he prayed for Gabir’s healing. And that very night, Gabir slept soundly for the first time in a long time.
While Gabir read the Christian literature the next day, God opened his eyes to the truth! Gabir understood that rituals can’t save you; only Jesus can do that. He read about sin and how Jesus sacrificed Himself so we could live with the Father forever. Overcome with belief, Gabir received salvation though Christ alone!
Gabir’s health improves day by day, but his spirit is now fully alive! He tells everyone about the love of God and the power of Jesus to make all things new. Gabir is actively attending a worshipping group where he has found a family of other believers. However, his own family has yet to receive Jesus as their Savior. Will you pray for their salvation?