
Impact India for Christ

Imagine how your personal impact would multiply if your passion for sharing the Gospel in India spread throughout your entire church. The body of Christ accomplishes so much more for the Kingdom when we work together!

Our Mission Needs Churches

Millions of people in India have never heard the name of Jesus before. The global Church has the capacity to share the Gospel with every one of them—but it takes all of us strategically working together to get there! We invite your church to join us in sharing the best news, in the most unreached nation, in order to change India’s communities for generations to come.

The Great Disconnect

In partnership with Barna Group, we released research in 2022 that unveiled the U.S. Church’s apathy toward global missions and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19). It also showed that pastors and churchgoers are surprisingly disconnected from one another when it comes to their views on missions. All of this creates significant barriers to making disciples in India, and it must be addressed in order to maximize the U.S. Church’s capacity for Kingdom growth around the world.

Review Your Missions Strategy

Your church’s opportunity for greater Kingdom impact starts with reviewing your current missions efforts and how well you communicate them to your church! In partnership with Barna Group, we created a missions audit to help you see where your strategy currently stands.

Resources for Your Church

We’re here to provide you with the tools you need to share about God’s work in India within your church. Check out our current resources available to you!

Want to introduce your church to Mission India through bulletin inserts? We have several options for you to use in whatever way works best for your church!

Sharing slides in your worship services, Sunday school classes, and mid-week activities are a simple way to introduce your church to the work of Mission India.

In this kids-focused curriculum, we showcase God’s incredible work in India through 360 degree virtual reality videos! By stepping into the shoes of children in India, the kids in your church can learn what life in India is like in this four-part series, accompanied by games, devotionals, and educational tools.

Would you like to have someone from Mission India come speak at your event or church? Click the button below to send us your details and we will be in touch with you soon!

Connect Your Church with Mission India

Director of Church Engagement

David C.

Generations ago, David's family came to Christ through missionary movement in India. He believes the Church has incredible opportunity to make Jesus known!

We’d love to partner with your church! To get the conversation started, simply fill out the form below.

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