Todd VanEk is Mission India’s President & CEO. He comes to the ministry with 20 years of experience in church leadership and served as an advocate for India and Mission India for more than a decade before coming on staff.
In his role, Todd focuses on strategic planning, leadership development, and the raising and stewarding of resources for utilization internationally. In keeping with Mission India’s commitment to accountability, he also creates systems to measure the Spiritual Return on Investment (SROI) of Mission India’s church multiplication movement. He is honored to lead Mission India’s collaborative team of gifted people, setting strategic direction to bring the Gospel to unreached people groups in India.
After traveling extensively in India, Todd shares, “I hold a deep passion for advancing God’s Kingdom through evangelism and Church Planting. Advocating for people’s involvement in the Great Commission gives me great joy!” This passion has prompted Todd to speak on the topic throughout the U.S., and he recently published his first book on it as well, titled Living Beyond Yourself: How India broke my heart for The Great Commission.
Depending on the season, Todd’s hobbies include spending time at the lake, yard work, and skiing. He and his wife, Jean, have five children and three grandchildren! They make their home in Holland, Michigan.