Improve Your Church Missions
3 Steps to a Better Missions Strategy

Improving Your Church’s Missions Strategy
Did you know that 1 in 5 U.S. churches have never considered changing how they financially support missions? Another 1 in 5 haven’t made a change in over three years! These churches could be missing incredible opportunities to maximize their Kingdom impact.
Together with Barna Group, our heart is to provide your church with the tools you need to evaluate your missions strategy and ensure it matches your vision. These tools break into three simple steps.

Step 1
Audit Your Missions Efforts
Your church’s opportunity for greater Kingdom impact starts with reviewing your current missions efforts and how well you communicate them to your church! In partnership with Barna Group, we created a missions audit to help you see where your strategy currently stands. This is your first step to making your church’s missions more effective.

Step 2
Evaluate Your Missions
After you’ve taken the audit, we will walk you through discussion-based activities, leading you to a decision on which missions model is best for your church. Then, we’ll help you develop 2-3 action items to begin implementing that decision into an overall missions strategy.

Step 3
Develop a New Missions Strategy
Finally, gather your ministry leaders for a vision-casting activity that will help you take your global missions dreams and condense them into a 1-2 paragraph “manifesto.” This will serve as the guiding vision for your church’s global missions strategy.