
Missions Blog

Do Christians Misunderstand Missions?

Downloaded your copy of The Great Disconnect? It’s time to dive in! We’re here to walk you through the report’s findings every step of the way.

If you haven’t seen this eye-opening report from Barna Group, grab your copy here.

As you work your way through Chapter 1, (Mis)Understanding the Need, you’ll start to see just how unfamiliar U.S. Christians are with the Great Commission. In fact, when churchgoing Christians were asked if they had heard of the Great Commission before, half of them said no!

Sadly, given that Jesus’ command to “make disciples of all nations” is so largely unknown, it makes sense that only 42% of practicing Christians believe missions is a mandate for all Christians. On top of that, an additional 6% of practicing Christians believe missions is neither a calling nor a mandate.

Unfortunately, the disconnect between U.S. believers and the Great Commission continues. Watch this 2-minute video to get a glimpse of what we’re seeing.

With all of this in mind, how can we determine what’s the “right” number of missionaries to equip if we don’t know what the need is? How do we, as missions-minded believers, gain support for the spread of the Gospel if our brothers and sisters in Christ don’t understand the need?

Are you starting to see some “great disconnects”?

Although this is just the tip of the iceberg and the data may seem a bit discouraging, it all points to a great opportunity. As believers who are committed to the Great Commission, we can encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ to re-evaluate this calling! As we empower and mobilize followers of Jesus who have become apathetic toward the Great Commission, our impact will increase. The love of Jesus will spread further and faster. And all of us will grow spiritually as we reclaim our heart for missions!

Thanks for being on this journey with us. If you have questions along the way, we’d be happy to talk you through them!

Click here to reach out to David Chakranarayan, Mission India’s Director of Church Engagement.