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Thank You For Joining
Thank you for joining Experience India! We are so excited to have you on this adventure! Keep an eye on your inbox for more details, or - if you can't wait that long - check out the additional info below...
Meet your host, Kevin!
This children and family pastor from New York City is off to India, and you’re going with him! With a degree from Moody Theological Seminary, he’s studied the Bible a lot, but knows there’s still plenty to learn — especially about the Great Commission and how it’s being lived out in India today. Kevin loves exercise, chips and salsa, and basketball, and he can’t wait to show you a great time in India!
We can make a difference together!
India is home to more than 444 million people under the age of 18, many who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ. Thousands of indigenous leaders across India are eager to bring Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs into their communities. These Bible Clubs provide a caring environment for children and introduce them to their loving God who will transform their hearts. It costs just $24 to bring the hope of the Gospel to one child, and $960 to sponsor an entire Year-Long Children’s Bible Club for 40 kids.
What’s next?
Over the next couple days you’ll be receiving more details on how to use virtual reality, the link to where all the Experience India content can be found, and so much more! So be sure to keep an eye on your e-mail inbox and we will be in touch very soon. Thank you again for joining Experience India!
Have any questions? Send them our way.